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Will you be mine?

Taste this love,

And you shall thrive.

Don’t make those limbs brawl,

For they will surrender,

To this anthem of mine,

Give in to the bliss,

Be forgiven, give in,

Move tender and swift,

Feel your body extinct.

Make your soul be empowered,

Forget all reason and thoughts,

Become nature again.

Be with me, my love.

Is there a difference between Europeans and Asians?

Between the African people and American residents?

Yes there is! Culture and civilization!

But down to the core,

We’re all the same being.

There is no race,

No better or worse,

It’s all just about commitment and truth,

Now just think for a second,

This might be about you!

Would you hurt yourself, or would it be evil?

It’s time to wake up and help those who need it!

Dismember my peace and lift me out of my grave,
For I loathe the stench of those eternal lands,
Bring me the fragrance of great far-off plants.
Let me see the face of the immortal light,
Rip me away so forever I can crave the night.
Take all I own and burn down my house!
Let me see freedom from a different side,
Make them all know that I came back from the dead,
Tell them I rose right up from the grave.
So though shall now see,
This immortal pulse of deathly light,
With nothing but soul, not the eyes.


*All the posts of this blog are written by me, the pictures I am using are either taken by me or I have the permission to use them.*


~ I like saying "I don't care!", so people think I'm independent.~

