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Concealed in flesh,

Jack grew up,
His body strengthened,
His voice firm and sharp.
His mind a razor,
Ready for the worlds’ demanding tasks.


“I do live a humble life,
What I do not understand though,
Why was given to me this absolute pride?
Never have I been stuck with my plans,
Though often enough have I had to start again.
And lightning shall strike me if there is no meaning,
God, you must be there, it all must happen for a reason,
Truly I don’t quite understand why you took all my memory,
Left me here struggling with all that is intuition.
For blindly I now follow what I think is my purpose,
Scared that I am the only thing I can truly believe in,
All I want of you is to give me a sign,
Show me that there really is something divine. “

For what Jack now didn’t yet know,
Was that he’d find it only inside of his soul.
And the doubt within was a lingering demon,
Which would fuel all his ponderings, passions and feelings,
Trying to give it all a meaning.


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*All the posts of this blog are written by me, the pictures I am using are either taken by me or I have the permission to use them.*


~ I like saying "I don't care!", so people think I'm independent.~

