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Once in a while,
You just feel the need to cry,
To cry for everything that lasts,
And everything which ever was,
To cry it all out of your soul,
With that gaping black hole,
The one which is inside your body,
When you lost something – it is quite funny,
Because you feel like you miss a part of you.
Sometimes it just enfuriates you,
Then you laugh and think in anger,
That you want it to stop and be no more,
For you are tormented by this sorrow,
This sorrow which makes you fucking sentimental,
Why can’t you just be a bit more gentle?
Why on earth do you care so much?
About all the things in which you trust?
Why would you even spend a second,
To think about whatever happened?
God on earth you must be cursed;
It is your fault and your doing,
Receive the punishment which is given,
Just go already fuck yourself,
You stupid asshole! Can’t you tell?
It is you who is the motherfucker,
This will never change, you know it,


Sa pui treaba din aia cu "mature content" , sa nu poata intra minorii la tine pe site. Ai devenit cam obscen de la o vreme, domnule Lazarescu.

Domnisoara "Bonjour", ca-sa nu folosim numele adevarat pe net :P. Crezi ca este cazul? Nu prea cred. Mai ales ca nu sunt poze erotice sau ceva ce sa arate vreo-un genital si nici nu voi ajunge la acest stagiu, deci nu cred ca ar trebui sa imi fac griji. Va multumesc mult pentru commentul care evident ca a fost strict legat de mesajul transmis prin aceasta foarte "obscena" poezie. Dupa cate am inteles v-a socat. Superb. Cu multumiri si respect,
Daniel Lazarescu, omul obscen.

Aici arati de parca te apuci de sfarcuri cum faci tu deobicei ....

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*All the posts of this blog are written by me, the pictures I am using are either taken by me or I have the permission to use them.*


~ I like saying "I don't care!", so people think I'm independent.~

